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Table of Contents
Smart Working, Living and Organising
Amany Elbanna, Yogesh Dwivedi, Deborah Bunker, David Wastell
Front Matter

Being Smart: Adoption Challenges

Establishing an Analytics Capability in a Hospital
Bendik Bygstad, Egil Øvrelid, Thomas Lie
Why Governing Data Is Difficult: Findings from Danish Local Government
Olivia Nielsen, John Persson, Sabine Madsen
A Cognitive Perspective on Consumers’ Resistances to Smart Products
Stefan Raff, Daniel Wentzel

Sharing Economy and Social Media

The Influence of Social Media on Engendering Strategic Organisational Practices – The Case of Two Tanzanian Telecommunications Companies
Shirumisha Kwayu, Banita Lal, Mumin Abubakre
Examining Convergence Behaviour During Crisis Situations in Social Media - A Case Study on the Manchester Bombing 2017
Milad Mirbabaie, Deborah Bunker, Annika Deubel, Stefan Stieglitz
Online Group Buying (OGB) in Agricultural Food Businesses: An Exploratory Study
Mohammad Hossain, Abu-Noman Ahmmed, Shams Rahman, Caroline Chan
Adoption of Sharing Economies of Communitive Consumption Providing an Exchange of Services: A Conceptual Frame Work
Zainah Qasem, Raed Algharabat, Ali Alalwan
Toward a Conceptual Model for Examining the Role of Social Media on Social Customer Relationship Management (SCRM) System
Abdullah Baabdullah, Nripendra Rana, Ali Alalwan, Raed Algharabat, Hatice Kizgin, Ghazi Al-Weshah

Government and Infrastructure

Critical Success Factors of the Digital Payment Infrastructure for Developing Economies
Naveen Singh, Ganesh Sahu, Nripendra Rana, Pushp Patil, Babita Gupta
New Infrastructure Technology and Smart Institutional Interventions: The Case of Implementing Government Cloud Computing in Oman
Khalid Alzadjali, Amany Elbanna
Intelligent Monitoring and Controlling of Public Policies Using Social Media and Cloud Computing
Prabhsimran Singh, Yogesh Dwivedi, Karanjeet Kahlon, Ravinder Sawhney
E-Government Project Design in Developing Countries
Diana Frost, Banita Lal
Theorizing the Relationship of Corruption in National Institutions with E-Government Maturity
Satish Krishnan, Anupriya Khan
Digital Payments Adoption Research: A Meta-Analysis for Generalising the Effects of Attitude, Cost, Innovativeness, Mobility and Price Value on Behavioural Intention
Pushp Patil, Nripendra Rana, Yogesh Dwivedi

IT Project Management

Conceptualizing the Transition from Agile to DevOps: A Maturity Model for a Smarter IS Function
Aymeric Hemon, Barbara Lyonnet, Frantz Rowe, Brian Fitzgerald
Situational Incompetence: The Failure of Governance in the Management of Large Scale IT Projects
Darryl Carlton, Konrad Peszynski

Revisiting Concepts and Theories

Making Sense of Smart Living, Working, and Organizing Enhanced by Supposedly Smart Objects and Systems
Steven Alter
Balancing Stakeholder Interests: Socio-Technical Perspectives on Smart Working Practice
Peter Bednar, Christine Welch
Use of ‘Habit’ Is not a Habit in Understanding Individual Technology Adoption: A Review of UTAUT2 Based Empirical Studies
Kuttimani Tamilmani, Nripendra Rana, Yogesh Dwivedi
Searching the Identity of Information Systems: A Study from Interdisciplinary Contexts
Paolo Rocchi, Andrea Resca


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