Conference Papers Year : 2010

Simulation of Autonomous Agricultural Machine Based on Improved Pure Pursuit Model


According to the features of headland turning, new path planning and headland turning control algorithms for autonomous agricultural machine were presented in this paper. The turning path planning considered both the minimum turning radius and headland space was created by applying three straight lines. A path tracking algorithm based on the improved pure pursuit model was also proposed. This study used the BP neutral network to implement the dynamical look-ahead distance control for the improved pure pursuit model. Based on simplified bicycle kinematics model parameters, MATLAB/Simulink simulation results showed that the path planning algorithm were simple, occupied small headland space while still had a high tracking accuracy. The control method is feasible and practical.
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hal-01062115 , version 1 (09-09-2014)




Peichen Huang, Xiwen Luo, Zhigang Zhang. Simulation of Autonomous Agricultural Machine Based on Improved Pure Pursuit Model. Third IFIP TC 12 International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture III (CCTA), Oct 2009, Beijing, China. pp.176-184, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-12220-0_27⟩. ⟨hal-01062115⟩
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