Conference Papers Year : 2010

General Framework for Animal Food Safety Traceability Using GS1 and RFID


GS1 is global traceability standard, which is composed by the encoding system (EAN/UCC, EPC), the data carriers identified automatically (bar codes, RFID), electronic data interchange standards (EDI, XML). RFID is a non-contact, multi-objective automatic identification technique. Tracing of source food, standardization of RFID tags, sharing of dynamic data are problems to solve urgently for recent traceability systems. The paper designed general framework for animal food safety traceability using GS1 and RFID. This framework uses RFID tags encoding with EPCglobal tag data standards. Each information server has access tier, business tier and resource tier. These servers are heterogeneous and distributed, providing user access interfaces by SOAP or HTTP protocols. For sharing dynamic data, discovery service and object name service are used to locate dynamic distributed information servers.
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hal-01055436 , version 1 (12-08-2014)




Weizhu Cao, Limin Zheng, Hong Zhu, Ping Wu. General Framework for Animal Food Safety Traceability Using GS1 and RFID. Third IFIP TC 12 International Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture III (CCTA), Oct 2009, Beijing, China. pp.297-304, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-12220-0_43⟩. ⟨hal-01055436⟩
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