- ACP Advanced Circuit Pursuit AG
- AMS, PLA & Tsinghua
- ARM Inc
- ARM Ltd [Cambridge]
- AT&T Labs Research
- Aarhus University [Aarhus]
- Academia Sinica
- Advanced Innovation Center for Imaging Technology
- Air Defense Forces Academy
- Airbus Defence and Space [Taufkirchen]
- Aix Marseille Université
- Aletheia University [New Taipei]
- Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna = University of Bologna
- Altera Corporation
- Anhui University [Hefei]
- Anna University
- Application Engineering, Design And Verification In ICs And Embedded Systems
- Architectures and Methods for Resilient Systems
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Arizona State University [Tempe]
- Army Engineering University [Jiangsu]
- Army Engineering University of PLA
- Asia University
- Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion
- Beihang University
- Beijing Institute of System Engineering
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- Beijing Key Laboratory of Light Industrial Robot and Safety Verification
- Beijing Space Information Relay and Transmission on Technology Centre
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Beijing University of Technology
- Bond University
- Boston University [Boston]
- Botanique et Modélisation de l'Architecture des Plantes et des Végétations
- Brightsight
- Brno University of Technology [Brno]
- Broadcom Corporation
- Brown University
- C-LAB [Paderborn]
- CAS Institute of Computing Technology
- CETC Big Data Research Institute Co. Ltd
- CISTER Research Centre
- California Institute of Technology
- Cambricon Technologies
- Capital Normal University [Beijing]
- Carl Von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg = Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
- Carnegie Mellon University [Pittsburgh]
- Catholic University of Daegu
- Catholic University of Leuven = Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Catholic University of Pelotas
- Center for Embedded Computer Systems [Irvine]
- Center for Measurement Standards (CMS)
- Central China Normal University [Wuhan, China]
- Central South University [Changsha]
- CentraleSupélec
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Centre Suisse d'Electronique et Microtechnique SA
- Centre d'études et de recherche en informatique et communications
- Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement
- Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy
- Centre de Recherche en Informatique
- Centro Nacional de Microelectronica [Spain]
- Chaoyang University of Technology
- Chiba University
- China Academy of Engineering Physics
- China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center
- China Life Ecommerce Company Limited
- China Transportation Telecommunication and Information Center
- China University of Petroleum
- China University of Petroleum Beijing
- Chinese Academy of Sciences [Beijing]
- Chinese Academy of Sciences [Changchun Branch]
- Chongqing University [Chongqing]
- Chosun University
- Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel = Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel = Université Christian-Albrechts de Kiel
- Chung Hua University [Hsinchu]
- Chung-Ang University [Seoul]
- Chungbuk National University
- Chunghwa Telecom [Taipei]
- Chuxiong Normal University
- Chuzhou University
- Circuits, Devices and System Integration
- Cleveland State University
- Cluster and Grid Computing Lab
- College of Computer Science [Changsha]
- College of Computer Science and Technology [Hangzhou]
- Collège of information Engineering
- Columbia University [New York]
- Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
- Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives - Laboratoire d'Electronique et de Technologie de l'Information
- Complex & Adaptive Systems Laboratory - University College Dublin
- Computationally Intelligent Systems Lab
- Computer Science Department
- Computer Science Department [Boston]
- Computer Science University of Science and Technology of China
- Computer Science and Information Engineering Department
- Conception et Test de Systèmes MICroélectroniques
- Concordia University [Montreal]
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas [España] = Spanish National Research Council [Spain]
- Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers [CNAM]
- Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica
- Cornell University [New York]
- DTU Informatics
- Daimler Chrysler AG
- Dalian University of Technology
- Dankook University
- Danmarks Tekniske Universitet = Technical University of Denmark
- Deduction modulo, interopérabilité et démonstration automatique
- Delft University of Technology
- Democritus University of Thrace
- Denison University
- Denso Automotive
- Dep. Informática | CCTC
- Dep. Sist. Informação
- Dep. of Computer Science
- Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica. ETSI Telecomunicación. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Spain
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science New Paltz
- Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering [Hsinchu]
- Department of Computer Science [Univ California Davis]
- Department of Computer Science [Verona]
- Department of Computer Science [Warwick]
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering [Colombus]
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering [Shanghai]
- Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
- Department of Computer Science and Technology
- Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Laboratory of Electronics
- Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering [Victoria]
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering [Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology]
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering [Abu Dhabi]
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering [Houston]
- Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering [University of Limerick]
- Department of Electronics
- Department of Electronics [Barcelona]
- Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
- Department of Information Management
- Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering [Zürich]
- Department of Information and Telecommunication Technology
- Department of Ingenierı ́a de Sistemas Electronicos y de Telecomunicacion [San Pablo]
- Department of Micro Engineering [Kyoto University]
- Department of Statistics
- Department of computer science [Detroit]
- Department of electronic and computer engineering
- Department. of Computer Science
- Dept. Electical Engineering
- Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática (DACYA)
- Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
- Didi Inc.
- Digital Media and Internet Technology [Zhejiang University]
- Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica [Torino]
- Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione (DEI)
- Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione [Milanio]
- Dipartimento di Informatica [Pisa]
- Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
- Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica (DIS)
- Dipartimento di Ingegneria [Ferrara]
- Direction de Recherche Technologique (CEA)
- Disney Research Zürich
- Distributed Systems Lab
- Dongduk Women’s University
- Département Systèmes et Architectures Sécurisés
- Département Systèmes et Circuits Intégrés Numériques
- EDALab s.r.l. [Verona]
- East China Normal University [Shangaï]
- East China University of Science and Technology
- Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen = University of Tübingen
- Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique pour l'Industrie et l'Entreprise
- Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
- Ecole Supérieure d'Electricité - SUPELEC (FRANCE)
- Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology [Zürich]
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Department [UTAH]
- Electronic Science and Technology Group Corporation
- Electronic and Computer Engineering Department [Hong Kong]
- Electronics Laboratory, Physics Department
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute [DaeJeon]
- Embedded Systems
- Embedded Systems Group, Department of Computer Science
- Embedded Systems Lab (ESL), School of Computer Science and Engineering
- Embedded Systems Laboratory
- Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL)
- Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture Lab (ESCAL), Department of Computer Engineering
- Engineering Research Center of data storage systems and Technology
- European Technology Center
- Expertise centre for Digital Media [Hasselt]
- Fachhochschule Münster [Steinfurt]
- Faculty II, Department for Computer Science
- Faculty of Science and Technology [Macau]
- Faculty of Sciences, LaSIGE
- Federal University of Amazonas
- Federal University of Pelotas
- Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
- Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
- Federal University of Sergipe = Université fédérale de Sergipe
- Federal University of Uberlândia [Uberlândia]
- Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
- Florida International University [Miami]
- Florida State University [Tallahassee]
- Forschungszentrum Informatik
- Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg = University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Fujian University of Technology
- Fukuoka University
- Georgia Institute of Technology [Atlanta]
- Georgia State University
- German Aerospace Center
- Goethe University Frankfurt
- Google Inc.
- Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Groupe de Recherche en Architecture et Compilation pour les systèmes embarqués
- Guangzhou Mingsen Technology Company Ltd.
- Guangzhou University
- Guizhou University
- Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology
- Hallym University
- Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences = Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt
- Hanbat National University
- Handan Polytechnic College [Handan]
- Hangzhou Dianzi University
- Hangzhou Normal University
- Hannam University
- Hanoi University of Science and Technology
- Hanyang University
- Harbin Crystal Commercial Photography Co. Ltd
- Harbin Engineering University
- Harbin University of Commerce
- Hasselt University
- Heinz Nixdorf Institute
- Hella
- Henan University
- Henan University of Economics and Law
- Hitachi Software Engineering Co., Ltd.
- Hong Kong Baptist University
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Hongik University
- Hsing-Kuo University
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology [Wuhan]
- Hubei University of Economics
- Hunan Institute of Engineering
- Hunan University [Changsha]
- Hunan University of Science and Technology [Xiangtan]
- Hung Yen University of Technology and Education
- Huzhou University [Zhejiang]
- IBM Research - China
- IBM Research and Development
- IBM T. J. Watson Research Centre
- IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
- IDCapture
- IEETA | IT - DEEC - Faculdade de Engenharia
- IHP - Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik
- INL - Conception de Systèmes Hétérogènes
- Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
- Industrial Technology Research Institute
- Industrial Technology Research Institute [Hsinchu]
- Infineon Technologies AG [München]
- Infineon Technologies AG [Neubiberg]
- Informatics Institute
- Informatics Institute = Instituto de Informática [Porto Alegre]
- Inria Paris-Rocquencourt
- Institut Mines-Télécom [Paris]
- Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse)
- Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
- Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine
- Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- Institut National des Sciences Appliquées
- Institut National des Sciences Appliquées - Toulouse
- Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
- Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux
- Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris
- Institut d'Optique Graduate School
- Institut d'électronique fondamentale
- Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
- Institut de recherche en informatique de Toulouse
- Institut des Matériaux, de Microélectronique et des Nanosciences de Provence
- Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon
- Institut für Automatik - ETH Zurich
- Institut für Feinwerktechnik und Elektronik-Design [Dresden]
- Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology
- Institut supérieur de l'électronique et du numérique (ISEN)
- Institute for Information Technology [Oldenburg]
- Institute for Real-time Computer Systems
- Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)
- Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics [Beijing]
- Institute of Computer Engineering
- Institute of Computer Engineering [Vienna]
- Institute of Computer Science - University of Augsburg
- Institute of Computer and Network Engineering [Braunschweig]
- Institute of Computing Technology [Beijing]
- Institute of Embedded Systems|Real-Time Systems
- Institute of Informatics
- Institute of Information Engineering [Beijing]
- Institute of Information Science
- Institute of Microelectronic Systems
- Institute of Microelectronics
- Institute of Physics and Mathematics, DINFO
- Instituto Federal Goiano = Goiano Federal Institute
- Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
- Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica
- Instituto Politécnico de Beja | UNINOVA-CTS
- Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
- Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores
- Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa
- Instituto de Informática, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Computação [Porto Alegre]
- Instituto de Matematica [Porto Alegre, RS]
- Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla
- Instituto de Telecomunicações [Lisboa, Portugal]
- Integrated Systems Laboratory (LSI)
- Intel Corporation [Finland]
- International Islamic University Malaysia [Kuala Lumpur]
- Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre - Institut de micro-électronique et composants [Belgique]
- Iran University of Science and Technology [Tehran]
- Ishikawa National College of Technology
- Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College
- Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Jeju National University
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Jia Mu Si University
- Jiangnan Institute of Computing Technology [Chine]
- Jiangsu Security and Intelligent Processing Lab of Big Data
- Jinan University
- Jinan University [Guangzhou]
- Joint Center for Global Change Studies
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology [Stockholm]
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology = Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
- Keimyung University
- Keio University [Tokyo]
- Key Laboratory of Agricultural Internet of Things
- Key Laboratory of Big Data Analysis and Processing
- Key Laboratory of Intelligent Telecommunications Software and Multimedia
- Khalifa University
- Khalifa University for Science Technology [Abou Dabi]
- Khoury College of Computer Sciences [Boston]
- King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
- Kongju National University
- Kookmin University [Seoul]
- Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Korea Electronics Technology Institute [Seongnam-si]
- Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power
- Korea National Open University [Seoul]
- Korea National University of Transportation
- Korea Railroad Research Institute
- Korea University [Seoul]
- Kyoto University
- Kyung Hee University
- Kyungil University
- LIACC, School of Engineering
- LS Industrial Systems Co Ltd
- La Trobe University [Melbourne]
- Laboratoire Fonctions Innovantes pour circuits Mixtes
- Laboratoire Hubert Curien
- Laboratoire ISEN
- Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble
- Laboratoire d'Informatique de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier
- Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signal et Image, Electronique et Télécommunication
- Laboratoire d'Intégration des Systèmes et des Technologies
- Laboratoire d'analyse et d'architecture des systèmes
- Laboratoire de Conception et d'Intégration des Systèmes
- Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique
- Laboratoire de l'intégration, du matériau au système
- Laboratorio CINI-Item "Carlo Savy"
- Lahore University of Management Sciences
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Berkeley]
- Linköping University
- Loongson Technologies Corporation Limited [Beijing]
- Loughborough University
- MACOM Technology Solutions SAS
- MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.
- Mads Clausen Institute for Product Innovation
- Marvell Asia Pte Ltd [Singapore]
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Mechatronics & Software
- Mehran University of Engineering & Technology
- Mercedes-Benz Research and Development India
- Meteorological Administration of Dalian
- Microelectronics Circuits Centre Ireland's [Cork]
- Microsoft Research
- Microsoft Research [Cambridge]
- Mines Paris - PSL (École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris)
- Ministry of Education and Training [Hanoi]
- Ministry of Education of China
- Ministry of Industry and Information Technology [Beijing]
- Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
- Mokwon University
- Muroran Institute of Technology
- Myongji University
- NYU System
- NYU Tandon School of Engineering
- NaMLab gGmbH
- Nagoya University
- Nam Dinh University of Technology and Education
- Nanhua University
- Nanjing University
- Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
- Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications [Nanjing]
- Nankai University
- Nanyang Technological University [Singapour]
- Nara Institute of Science and Technology
- National Center for High-Performance Computing
- National Cheng Kung University
- National Chiao Tung University
- National Chung-Cheng University
- National Defence University of Malaysia [Kuala Lumpur]
- National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technology R&D Center
- National Engineering Laboratory for Mobile Network Security
- National Formosa University
- National High Performance Computing Center
- National Innovation Institute of Defense Technology
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- National Institute of Informatics
- National Kaohsiung Marine University [Taïwan]
- National Kaohsiung Normal Univ.
- National Key Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing [Changsha]
- National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Information System Security
- National Supercomputing Center
- National Supercomputing Centre
- National Taiwan Normal University
- National Taiwan University
- National Taiwan University [Taiwan]
- National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- National Technical University of Athens [Athens]
- National Tsing Hua University [Hsinchu]
- National Union of Nurses' Associations ROC
- National University of Defense Science and Technology
- National University of Defense Technology [China]
- National University of Singapore
- New York University [Abu Dhabi]
- Nexcel Solutions
- Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology [Bangalore]
- Nokia Bell Labs [Antwerp]
- North Carolina State University [Raleigh]
- North China Electric Power University
- Northeastern University [Boston]
- Northeastern University [Shenyang]
- Northwest A and F University
- Northwestern Polytechnical University [Xi'an]
- OKUMA Corporation
- ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab [Toulouse]
- Oregon State University
- Peking University [Beijing]
- Pengcheng Laboratory = Peng Cheng Laboratory [Shenzhen]
- Penn State System
- Pennsylvania State University
- PerceptIn
- PgMicro - Instituto de Informática [UFRGS]
- Pohang University of Science and Technology
- Politecnico di Milano [Milan]
- Politecnico di Torino = Polytechnic of Turin
- Polytechnic Institute of New York University
- Polytechnic Institute of Porto
- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú = Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul [Brasil] = Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul [Brazil] = Université catholique pontificale de Rio Grande do Sul [Brésil]
- Poznan University of Technology
- Purdue University [West Lafayette]
- Qualcomm Research
- Real-Time and Multimedia Systems Lab
- Renmin University of China = Université Renmin de Chine
- Research Center for Information Security
- RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
- Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University
- Ritsumeikan University
- Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
- ST-Ericsson
- ST-Ericsson [Grenoble]
- STMicroelectronics
- STMicroelectronics [Catania]
- STMicroelectronics [Crolles]
- STMicroelectronics [Grenoble]
- STMicroelectronics [Rousset]
- STMicroelectronics [Torino]
- Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
- Saint-Petersburg University of Aerospace Instrumentation
- Samsung Electronics [Korea]
- Samsung R&D Institute [Bangalore]
- Sang Ji University
- Santa Catarina State University
- School of Electrical Engineering [Korea University]
- School of Computer Engineering and Science [Shanghai]
- School of Computer Science [Beihang Univ.]
- School of Computer Science [Wuhan]
- School of Computer Science and Engineering
- School of Computer Science and Engineering [ Changsha]
- School of Computer Science and Engineering [Beijing]
- School of Computer Science and Engineering [Guangzhou]
- School of Computer Science and Engineering [Seoul]
- School of Computer Science and Technology
- School of Computer Science and Technology [Soochow]
- School of Computer Science and Technology [Wuhan]
- School of Computer [Chine]
- School of Cyber Security
- School of Data and Computer Science [Guangzhou]
- School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
- School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of Computer Science
- School of Electrical Engineering [Vellore]
- School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering [Crawley]
- School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science [Beijing]
- School of Engineering STI [Lausanne]
- School of Information Technology
- School of Information [Renmin]
- School of Instrumentation Science and Opto-electronics Engineering [Beijing]
- School of Physics and Astronomy and SJTU-ParisTech Elite
- Science and Technology on Special System Simulation
- Sejong University
- Seokyeong University [Seoul]
- Seoul National University [Seoul]
- SeoulTech
- Service Techniques et Équipements Appliqués à la Microélectronique
- Services Computing Technology and System Lab [HUST]
- Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Agricultural Information Perception and Intelligent Service
- Shandong Jiaotong University [Jinan]
- Shandong University
- Shandong Worldwide Byte Security
- Shanghai Institute of Technology
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University [Shanghai]
- Shanghai Key Laboratory of Computer Software Evaluating and Testing [Shanghai]
- Shanghai University
- Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
- Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology [Shenzhen]
- Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology
- Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology
- Shenzhen Polytechnic
- Shenzhen Univerisity [Shenzhen]
- Shenzhen University
- Shenzhen University [Shenzhen]
- Shibaura Institute of Technology
- Shonan Institute of Technology [Fujisawa]
- Simon Fraser University = Université Simon Fraser
- Sino-German Joint Software Institute
- Skane University Hospital [Lund]
- Software Technology Lab, School of Computing Science
- Soochow University
- Soongsil University
- South China University of Technology [Guangzhou]
- Southeast University [Jiangsu]
- Southern University of Science and Technology
- Southwest University of China
- Space Star technology CO., Ltd
- SpringSoft
- State Grid Corporation of China
- State Key Lab CAD&CG [HangZhou]
- State Key Lab for Strength and Vibration
- State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology
- State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices
- State Key Laboratory of High Performance Computing
- State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering
- State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Manufacturing System Technology
- State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing
- State University of New York
- State University of New York at New Paltz
- State key Laboratory of Software Development Environment [Beijing]
- Stony Brook University [SUNY]
- Sun Yat-sen University [Guangzhou]
- Sungkyul University
- Sungkyunkwan University [Suwon]
- Supélec Sciences des Systèmes
- Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus
- Synopsys Chile
- Synopsys Inc.
- Sys-Inventor Lab
- THALES [France]
- TU Lisbon IST-Torre Norte
- TU Munich
- Taipei Medical University
- Tallinn University of Technology
- Tamkang University [New Taipei]
- Tampere University of Technology [Tampere]
- Technical University of Berlin | Technische Universität Berlin
- Technical University of Crete [Chania]
- Technion - Israel Institute of Technology [Haifa]
- Techniques de l'Informatique et de la Microélectronique pour l'Architecture des systèmes intégrés
- Technische Universität Braunschweig = Technical University of Braunschweig [Braunschweig]
- Technische Universität Darmstadt - Technical University of Darmstadt
- Technische Universität Dresden = Dresden University of Technology
- Technische Universität Munchen - Technical University Munich - Université Technique de Munich
- Technological Institute of Larisa
- Test and dEpendability of microelectronic integrated SysTems
- Texas Tech University [Lubbock]
- The Aerospace Corporation
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong [Hong Kong]
- The Education University of Hong Kong
- The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre
- The Ohio State University [Columbus]
- The University of Queensland
- The University of Suwon
- The University of Sydney
- The University of Tokyo
- The University of Western Australia
- Tianjin Polytechnic University
- Tianjin University
- Tokyo City University
- Tongji University
- Toulouse Mind & Brain Institut
- Tsinghua University [Beijing]
- Tunghai University [Taichung]
- UCPel - Universidade Catolica de Pelotas
- UTStarcom
- Umeng
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid = Complutense University of Madrid [Madrid]
- Universidad de Sevilla = University of Seville
- Universidad de la República [Montevideo]
- Universidade Federal da Paraiba | Federal University of Paraiba
- Universidade Federal de Lavras = Federal University of Lavras
- Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais = Federal University of Minas Gerais [Belo Horizonte, Brazil]
- Universidade Federal de Pelotas = Federal University of Pelotas
- Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina = Federal University of Santa Catarina [Florianópolis]
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte [Natal]
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul [Porto Alegre]
- Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná [Curitiba, Brasil] = Federal Technological University of Paraná [Curitiba, Brazil] = Université technologique fédérale du Paraná [Curitiba, Brésil]
- Universidade de Lisboa = University of Lisbon = Université de Lisbonne
- Universidade do Minho = University of Minho [Braga]
- Universidade do Porto = University of Porto
- Universiteit van Amsterdam
- University College Cork
- University College Dublin [Dublin]
- University Institute of Lisbon
- University Kore d'Enna
- University System of Georgia
- University of Alberta
- University of Amsterdam [Amsterdam] = Universiteit van Amsterdam
- University of Barcelona
- University of California
- University of California [Berkeley]
- University of California [Davis]
- University of California [Irvine]
- University of California [Riverside]
- University of California [San Diego]
- University of California [Santa Barbara]
- University of California [Santa Cruz]
- University of Canberra
- University of Central Arkansas
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences [Beijing]
- University of Cyprus [Nicosia]
- University of Delaware [Newark]
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China [Chengdu]
- University of Florida [Gainesville]
- University of Hertfordshire [Hatfield]
- University of Houston
- University of Illinois System
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign [Urbana]
- University of Ioannina
- University of Kaiserslautern
- University of Kyonggi
- University of Limerick
- University of Macau
- University of Massachusetts System
- University of Massachusetts [Lowell]
- University of Michigan System
- University of Michigan [Ann Arbor]
- University of Naples Federico II = Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
- University of Nevada [Reno]
- University of New South Wales [Sydney]
- University of North Carolina System
- University of Oklahoma
- University of Oldenburg
- University of Paderborn
- University of Passau
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Peradeniya
- University of Pisa - Università di Pisa
- University of Rochester [USA]
- University of San Pablo
- University of Science and Technology of China [Hefei]
- University of Siegen = Universität Siegen [Siegen]
- University of South Florida [Tampa]
- University of Southern California
- University of Southern Denmark
- University of Stuttgart
- University of Tehran
- University of Texas at Arlington [Arlington]
- University of Texas at Austin [Austin]
- University of Turku
- University of Utah
- University of Victoria [Canada]
- University of Virginia
- University of Warwick [Coventry]
- University of West London
- University of York [York, UK]
- University of the Faroe Islands
- Università degli Studi di Ferrara = University of Ferrara
- Università degli Studi di Pavia = University of Pavia
- Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata [Roma, Italia] = University of Rome Tor Vergata [Rome, Italy] = Université de Rome Tor Vergata [Rome, Italie]
- Università degli studi di Verona = University of Verona
- Universität Augsburg [Deutschland] = University of Augsburg [Germany] = Université d'Augsburg [Allemagne]
- Universität Duisburg-Essen = University of Duisburg-Essen [Essen]
- Universität Ulm - Ulm University [Ulm, Allemagne]
- Universität des Saarlandes [Saarbrücken]
- Universität zu Lübeck = University of Lübeck [Lübeck]
- Université Abderrahmane Mira [Université de Béjaïa] = University Abderrahmane Mira [University of Béjaïa]
- Université Amar Telidji - Laghouat
- Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Université Grenoble Alpes [2016-2019]
- Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1
- Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Étienne
- Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1
- Université Paris Sciences et Lettres
- Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11
- Université Pierre Mendès France - Grenoble 2
- Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux 1
- Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès
- Université Toulouse Capitole
- Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
- Université de Bordeaux
- Université de Brest
- Université de Lyon
- Université de Monastir - University of Monastir
- Université de Montpellier
- Université de Toulon
- Université de Toulouse
- Université de Tsukuba = University of Tsukuba
- Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- Univesidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte = Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
- VLSI Design and Education Center
- Validation de Systèmes, Composants et Objets logiciels
- Vanderbilt University [Nashville]
- Vellore Institute of Technology
- Vienna University of Technology = Technische Universität Wien
- Virginia Tech [Blacksburg]
- Volvo Technology Corp.
- Waseda University [Tokyo, Japan]
- Wayne State University [Detroit]
- Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster = University of Münster
- Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
- WuFeng University, Chiayi, Taiwan
- Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics [HUST]
- Wuhan Technology and Business University
- Wuhan University [China]
- Wuxi Studio
- Xi'an Jiaotong University
- Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University [Suzhou]
- Xi'an University of Science and Technology
- Xidian University
- Xinjiang University
- Yan'an University
- Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University [Zhejiang]
- Yeditepe University
- Yeungnam University [South Korea]
- Yonsei University
- ZF Friedrichshafen AG
- ZTE [Nanjing]
- Zhejiang University [Hangzhou, China]
- Zhejiang University of Technology
- Zhongnan University of Economics and Law [China]
- Zhongzhi Huaching (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd
- dSpace
- parent
- École Centrale de Lyon
- École Nationale d'Électronique et des Télécommunications de Sfax
- École Polytechnique de Montréal
- École Supérieure de Chimie Physique Électronique de Lyon
- École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
- Équipe Matériaux et Procédés pour la Nanoélectronique
- Équipe Nano Ingénierie et Intégration des Systèmes
- Özyeğin University
- “Mobile Health” Ministry of Education-China Mobile Joint Laboratory