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Table of Contents
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2019
David Lamas, Fernando Loizides, Lennart Nacke, Helen Petrie, Marco Winckler, Panayiotis Zaphiris
Front Matter

Accessibility Design Principles

A Serious Game for Raising Designer Awareness of Web Accessibility Guidelines
Fotios Spyridonis, Damon Daylamani-Zad
Aestimo: A Tangible Kit to Evaluate Older Adults’ User Experience
Iyubanit Rodríguez, Maria Karyda, Andrés Lucero, Valeria Herskovic
Towards Reliable Accessibility Assessments of Science Center Exhibits
Till Halbach, Ingvar Tjøstheim
Understanding the Authoring and Playthrough of Nonvisual Smartphone Tutorials
André Rodrigues, André Santos, Kyle Montague, Hugo Nicolau, Tiago Guerreiro
User Study: A Detailed View on the Effectiveness and Design of Tactile Charts
Christin Engel, Gerhard Weber

Assistive Technology for Cognition and NeuroDevelopment Disorders

A User-Centred Methodology for the Development of Computer-Based Assistive Technologies for Individuals with Autism
Raquel Hervás, Virginia Francisco, Gonzalo Méndez, Susana Bautista
Classifying Sensitive Issues for Patients with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Torben Wallbaum, Tim Stratmann, Susanne Boll
Effects of Menu Organization and Visibility on Web Navigation for People with Dyslexia
Helen Petrie, Ili Mahtar
ELE - A Conversational Social Robot for Persons with Neuro-Developmental Disorders
Davide Fisicaro, Franca Garzotto, Mirko Gelsomini, Francesco Pozzi
S$^{2}$C$^{2}$: Toward an App to Support Social Story$^\mathrm{TM}$ Comprehension Checking in Children with ASD
Aurora Constantin, Nicholas Georgiou, Cristina Alexandru, Jessica Korte

Assistive Technology for Mobility and Rehabilitation

(How) Can an App Support Physiotherapy for Frozen Shoulder Patients?
Thomas Stütz
A Digitally-Augmented Ground Space with Timed Visual Cues for Facilitating Forearm Crutches’ Mobility
Beatriz Peres, Pedro Campos, Aida Azadegan
Analyzing Accessibility Barriers Using Cost-Benefit Analysis to Design Reliable Navigation Services for Wheelchair Users
Benjamin Tannert, Reuben Kirkham, Johannes Schöning
Bridging the Gap: Creating a Clinician-Facing Dashboard for PTSD
Elaine Schertz, Hue Watson, Ashok Krishna, Andrew Sherrill, Hayley Evans, Rosa Arriaga
Using Artificial Intelligence for Augmentative Alternative Communication for Children with Disabilities
Rodica Neamtu, André Camara, Carlos Pereira, Rafael Ferreira

Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired

Comparing User Performance on Parallel-Tone, Parallel-Speech, Serial-Tone and Serial-Speech Auditory Graphs
Prabodh Sakhardande, Anirudha Joshi, Charudatta Jadhav, Manjiri Joshi
Factors that Impact the Acceptability of On-Body Interaction by Users with Visual Impairments
David Costa, Carlos Duarte
Faster and Less Error-Prone: Supplementing an Accessible Keyboard with Speech Input
Bhakti Bhikne, Anirudha Joshi, Manjiri Joshi, Charudatta Jadhav, Prabodh Sakhardande
Investigating Feedback for Two-Handed Exploration of Digital Maps Without Vision
Simon Perrault, Shengdong Zhao, Christophe Jouffrais, Sandra Bardot, Marcos Serrano
Perception of Tactile Symbols by Visually Impaired Older Adults
Vojtech Gintner, Miroslav Macik, Zdenek Mikovec

Co-Design and Design Methods

Able to Create, Able to (Self-)Improve: How an Inclusive Game Framework Fostered Self-Improvement Through Creation and Play in Alcohol and Drugs Rehabilitation
Franco Garcia, Roberta Brandão, Gabriel Mendes, Vânia Neris
Cinévoqué: Design of a Passively Responsive Framework for Seamless Evolution of Experiences in Immersive Live-Action Movies
Jayesh Pillai, Amarnath Murugan, Amal Dev
P(L)AY ATTENTION! Co-designing for and with Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Gyöngyi Fekete, Andrés Lucero
Technology, Theatre and Co-design: Impact and Design Considerations
Christina Vasiliou, Tom Schofield
Visual Fixations Duration as an Indicator of Skill Level in eSports
Boris Velichkovsky, Nikita Khromov, Alexander Korotin, Evgeny Burnaev, Andrey Somov

Crowdsourcing and Collaborative Work

#TheDay: Triggering User Generated Videos in Participatory Media Productions
Sandy Claes, Maarten Wijnants, Chaja Libot, Rik Bauwens
A Literature Review of the Practice of Educating Children About Technology Making
Leena Ventä-Olkkonen, Heidi Hartikainen, Behnaz Norouzi, Netta Iivari, Marianne Kinnula
Effect of Cognitive Abilities on Crowdsourcing Task Performance
Danula Hettiachchi, Niels Berkel, Simo Hosio, Vassilis Kostakos, Jorge Goncalves
Insights on Older Adults’ Attitudes and Behavior Through the Participatory Design of an Online Storytelling Platform
Diogenis Alexandrakis, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, Nikolaos Tselios
Participatory Evaluation of Human-Data Interaction Design Guidelines
Eliane Victorelli, Julio Reis, Antonio Santos, Denis Schiozer

Cyber Security and E-voting Systems

Comparative Evaluation of Node-Link and Sankey Diagrams for the Cyber Security Domain
Rotem Blinder, Ofer Biller, Adir Even, Oded Sofer, Noam Tractinsky, Joel Lanir, Peter Bak
Comparing “Challenge-Based” and “Code-Based” Internet Voting Verification Implementations
Oksana Kulyk, Jan Henzel, Karen Renaud, Melanie Volkamer
Mouse Behavior as an Index of Phishing Awareness
Kun Yu, Ronnie Taib, Marcus Butavicius, Kathryn Parsons, Fang Chen
Perceptions of Risk, Benefits and Likelihood of Undertaking Password Management Behaviours: Four Components
Burak Merdenyan, Helen Petrie
Social Engineering and Organisational Dependencies in Phishing Attacks
Ronnie Taib, Kun Yu, Shlomo Berkovsky, Mark Wiggins, Piers Bayl-Smith
Vote-for-It: Investigating Mobile Device-Based Interaction Techniques for Collocated Anonymous Voting and Rating
Romina Kühn, Mandy Korzetz, Franz-Wilhelm Schumann, Lukas Büschel, Thomas Schlegel

Design Methods

Design Requirements of Tools Supporting Reflection on Design Impact
Qiong Peng, Jean-Bernard Martens
Designer Led Computational Approach to Generate Mappings for Devices with Low Gestural Resolution
Roberto Montano-Murillo, Teng Han, Pourang Irani, Diego Martinez-Plasencia, Sriram Subramanian
Ensuring the Consistency Between User Requirements and GUI Prototypes: A Behavior-Based Automated Approach
Thiago Rocha Silva, Marco Winckler, Hallvard Trætteberg
Integrating Personas and Use Case Models
Anke Dittmar, Peter Forbrig
Smart Interactive Packaging as a Cyber-Physical Agent in the Interaction Design Theory: A Novel User Interface
Justina Lydekaityte

Design Principles for Safety/Critical Systems

Deep System Knowledge Required: Revisiting UCD Contribution in the Design of Complex Command and Control Systems
Elodie Bouzekri, Alexandre Canny, Célia Martinie, Philippe Palanque, Christine Gris
Detecting and Influencing Driver Emotions Using Psycho-Physiological Sensors and Ambient Light
Mariam Hassib, Michael Braun, Bastian Pfleging, Florian Alt
Evaluating Mixed Reality Notifications to Support Excavator Operator Awareness
Markus Wallmyr, Taufik Sitompul, Tobias Holstein, Rikard Lindell
Exploring the Effects of Replicating Shape, Weight and Recoil Effects on VR Shooting Controllers
Jose Berna-Moya, Diego Martinez-Plasencia
On the Reliability and Factorial Validity of the Assessment Scale for Creative Collaboration
Aekaterini Mavri, Andri Ioannou, Fernando Loizides


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