Table of Contents
Automated Invention for Smart Industries Denis Cavallucci, Roland de Guio, Sebastian Koziołek |
Front Matter |
Biomimicry and TRIZ
Design Entity Recognition for Bio-inspired Design Supervised State of the Art Davide Russo, Pierre-Emmanuel Fayemi, Matteo Spreafico, Giacomo Bersano |
3-13 |
Development of an Ontology of Biomimetics Based on Altshuller’s Matrix Julian Vincent, Denis Cavallucci |
14-25 |
GamiTRIZation – Gamification for TRIZ Education Claudia Hentschel, Christian Thurnes, Frank Zeihsel |
29-39 |
Paradoxes and Organizational Learning in Continuous Improvement Approaches: Using the TRIZ Principles for Developing Problem Solving Performance in a Michelin Plant Zahir Messaoudene |
40-51 |
Managing with TRIZ
TRIZ – Develop or Die in a World Driven by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity Martin Kiesel, Jens Hammer |
55-65 |
Market Complexity Evaluation to Enhance the Effectiveness of TRIZ Outputs Paolo Carrara, Davide Russo, Anna Bennato |
66-74 |
Method of Innovation Assessment of Products and Processes in the Initial Design Phase Bartosz Pryda, Marek Mysior, Sebastian Koziołek |
75-83 |
Agile’TRIZ Framework: Towards the Integration of TRIZ Within the Agile Innovation Methodology Didier Casner, Achille Souili, Rémy Houssin, Jean Renaud |
84-93 |
Discovery on Purpose? Toward the Unification of Paradigm Theory and the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) Justus Schollmeyer, Viesturs Tamuzs |
94-109 |
TRIZ and Functions
Study on Establishing Functional Periodicity of New Products Based on TRIZ Ya-Fan Dong, Peng Zhang, Run-Hua Tan, Wei Liu, Rui-Qin Wang, Jian-Guang Sun |
113-125 |
On the Efficiency of TRIZ Application for Process Intensification in Process Engineering Pavel Livotov, Mas’udah, Arun Prasad Chandra Sekaran |
126-140 |
Convergence and Contradiction Between Lean and Industry 4.0 for Inventive Design of Smart Production Systems Rabih Slim, Houssin Rémy, Coulibaly Amadou |
141-153 |
Multi-users of a Product: Emergence of Contradictions Jean Renaud, Rémy Houssin, Mickaël Gardoni, Mhamed Nour |
154-164 |
TRIZ and Knowledge Management
A Creative Design Approach Based on TRIZ and Knowledge Fusion Wei Liu, Run-Hua Tan, Ya-Fan Dong, Guozhong Cao, Limeng Liu |
167-179 |
Towards a Conceptual Design and Semantic Modeling Approach for Innovative Modular Products Chérif Aidara, Bala Biaye, Serigne Diagne, Khalifa Gaye, Amadou Coulibaly |
180-190 |
TRIZ and Patenting
TRIZ and Intellectual Property to Strengthen the Start-Up Spirit Pierre Saulais, Pascal Sire, Eric Prevost, Yves Guillou, Alain Riwan |
193-203 |
Facilitating Engineers Abilities to Solve Inventive Problems Using CBR and Semantic Similarity Pei Zhang, Denis Cavallucci, Zhonghang Bai, Cecilia Zanni-Merk |
204-212 |
Automatic Extraction of IDM-Related Information in Scientific Articles and Online Science News Websites Oriane Nédey, Achille Souili, Denis Cavallucci |
213-224 |
Text Simplification of Patent Documents Jeongwoo Kang, Achille Souili, Denis Cavallucci |
225-237 |
TRIZ Combined with other Approaches
Innovative Design Thinking Process with TRIZ Kyeongwon Lee |
241-252 |
Innovative Technical Creativity Methodology for Bio-Inspired Design Pierre-Emmanuel Fayemi, Martin Gilles, Claude Gazo |
253-265 |
Application of Standard Solution to Human-Machine-Environment Coupling Effect Junlei Zhang, Run-Hua Tan, Guozhong Cao, Jian-Guang Sun |
266-275 |
Automatic Extraction and Ranking of Systems of Contradictions Out of a Design of Experiments Hicham Chibane, Sébastien Dubois, Roland Guio |
276-289 |
A Feedback on an Industrial Application of the FORMAT Methodology Sebastien Dubois, Roland Guio, Aurélien Brouillon, Laetitia Angelo |
290-301 |
Modelling CECA Diagram as a State Machine Jerzy Chrząszcz |
302-314 |
Parameter Deployment and Separation for Solving Physical Contradictions D. Sheu, Rachel Yeh |
315-329 |
Integrating the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving with Discrete Event Simulation in Supply Chain Management Fatima Benmoussa, Sébastien Dubois, Roland Guio, Ivana Rasovska, Rachid Benmoussa |
330-347 |